Our Mission - Churches Strengthened, Planted, and Resourced

The mission of TriWest Baptist Network is to see local churches strengthened, planted, and resourced to share the gospel of Jesus Christ for the glory of God.


Our Method - Cultivating Collaboration

We work to accomplish our mission through cultivating collaboration between kingdom-minded, great commission churches, ministries, and clergy.


monthly Pastor cohorts

We believe that pastoral friendships lead to church partnerships. We have opportunities throughout the month for pastors to connect, to share, and to dream together.

Dynamic training

We believe that healthy churches are always getting better. We provide opportunities for pastors and ministry leaders to receive dynamic training from area catalysts.


We believe that the Church shines brightest when we serve the community together. We have opportunities for churches to partner together to impact the practical needs of the Research Triangle.

church plant partners

We believe that strong churches plant new churches. We provide networking opportunities for churches to plant in healthy and sustainable ways.